Posts tagged “millennium park

The Bean – 2012

Cloud Gate On A Rainy Evening

Cloud Gate On A Rainy Evening

My family and I try to get to downtown Chicago every year and we almost always visit the Cloud Gate (aka “The Bean”) in Millennium Park.  We take goofy pictures in the reflections and pictures of other people taking goofy pictures of themselves.  The shot above was taken at the end of our last visit to Chicago.  It was cold and rainy but we were prepared with jackets, umbrellas, and a rain cover for the camera bag.   The forecast for the day was sunny and warm early, turning to cold and rainy in the afternoon and for once the weatherman was completely correct.  The shots below were only taken 5-ish hours earlier in the day.  I liked how the blown-out sky and top of the bean blend together in the last shot.  Someday I’ll get through all the photos and post some of the goofy ones.

The Bean Earlier In Day

The Bean Earlier In Day

Sky Blends With Sculpture

Sky Blends With Sculpture

Self Portrait #1

Self Portrait #1 15mm, f/6.7, 1/350s, ISO 200


I’m pretty shy about getting my picture taken and am rarely happy with any pictures I’m in.  However, inspired by other photographers, I occasionally attempt a self-portrait.  Every attempt has ended up in the trash.  I don’t even save the original files because they’re so bad.  I’ve always got some goofy look, fake smile, or crinkled forehead (those who know me are saying “That’s how you really always look!”).

I did save this self-portrait though.  It was taken in the “bean” as the Cloud Gate sculpture in Chicago’s Millennium Park is affectionately known.  I tried it just for fun and it *is* fun IMO to look at yourself all distorted, etc.  One doesn’t expect to look good in a photo like this. That’s reason #1 why I kept this one.  Reason #2 is that little girl with the camera in the background.  Cute.

My kids love the bean.  When we returned home my wife asked the kids how they liked their trip.  For the 3-year old it wasn’t the walk through the city, or the overnight stay in a nice downtown hotel.  His response?  “I touched the bean!”.

The processing was relatively straight forward.  Slight tweaks to basic exposure and clarity in Lightroom then off to Photoshop.  My first thought was to go really edgy with it using Topaz Adjust but once I got in there I found that it also brought out too much of the dirt and fingerprints on the bean.  What I settled on was the original exposure from Lightroom with a Topaz Adjusted version of myself masked in at 50% (ish) opacity.  A small curves adjustment finished it off.

More bean photos to follow at some future date.