Posts tagged “self portrait

Self Portrait by a Four Year Old

Self Portrait 70mm, f/4, 1/90s, ISO 500

I’m doing a little craft project with my three youngest children to celebrate the fact that “God made ME”.  Part of this uses a picture of themselves and I thought they would enjoy doing their own self portrait (I guess that’s a tautological statement).  I was correct — they had a blast making faces, etc while they pressed the remote shutter release.

One light, no reflectors, no worry about background or whether shadows were filled in.  I set up the flash with a shoot-thru umbrella (having the flash go off was half the fun for them), plopped it in a semi-open space, and sat them in a chair.  The camera was on a tripod.  No posing to speak of.  No thought of changing into a shirt without fresh strawberry juice spots.  Manual focus was used because they (well, the boys) moved around so much that the camera had trouble focusing in the dim light.

There were some really funny results.  The picture above was my favorite though.  He thought he had to point the remote at the camera.  Very cute.  Almost straight out of the camera — cropped and the exposure was bumped up 1/3 stop.

Self Portrait #1

Self Portrait #1 15mm, f/6.7, 1/350s, ISO 200


I’m pretty shy about getting my picture taken and am rarely happy with any pictures I’m in.  However, inspired by other photographers, I occasionally attempt a self-portrait.  Every attempt has ended up in the trash.  I don’t even save the original files because they’re so bad.  I’ve always got some goofy look, fake smile, or crinkled forehead (those who know me are saying “That’s how you really always look!”).

I did save this self-portrait though.  It was taken in the “bean” as the Cloud Gate sculpture in Chicago’s Millennium Park is affectionately known.  I tried it just for fun and it *is* fun IMO to look at yourself all distorted, etc.  One doesn’t expect to look good in a photo like this. That’s reason #1 why I kept this one.  Reason #2 is that little girl with the camera in the background.  Cute.

My kids love the bean.  When we returned home my wife asked the kids how they liked their trip.  For the 3-year old it wasn’t the walk through the city, or the overnight stay in a nice downtown hotel.  His response?  “I touched the bean!”.

The processing was relatively straight forward.  Slight tweaks to basic exposure and clarity in Lightroom then off to Photoshop.  My first thought was to go really edgy with it using Topaz Adjust but once I got in there I found that it also brought out too much of the dirt and fingerprints on the bean.  What I settled on was the original exposure from Lightroom with a Topaz Adjusted version of myself masked in at 50% (ish) opacity.  A small curves adjustment finished it off.

More bean photos to follow at some future date.